On Sat, Oct 8, 2016 at 3:56 PM, Rasanegar NOC noc@rasanegar.com wrote:
The only problem is our mirrors (companies and sponsors who hosted Centos mirror locally ) get listed and users redirected to them based on quality measure that centos best mirror selection have.
We are currently in sync with major mirrors and published to our customers and users in IRAN that users in IR.IRAN could set their mirror on one server that hosted in IRAN with different companies to get latest packages and download ISO with highest speed
PLEASE DONT SPAM ANYMORE COMPLAINING ABOUT THE POLICY. 100gb or even 1000gb is not helpful here.
Do not blame Red Hat, eithor blame your country or US government, Red Hat is just an US company, it has to follow the US policy.
You also have rights to ask your customers to set mirror URL by themselves.