Hi timo . I had several email with same matter. But unfortunately i dont know any about this (centos mirror) and i dont khow what must i do , really! 
I will be merci if you help me. 
Magy modiri.
Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 4, 2013, at 0:21, Timo Jacob <timojacob.gp@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi, I set up new mirrors for CentOS for the following locations:

   + Mirrors-usa:

    + Mirrors-russia:

    + Mirrors-australia:

Our Organization name is Go-Parts and our organization website is

contact email: timojacob.gp@gmail.com

Could you please update your mirror list with the new mirror locations
and send me
an message once your mirror list is updated?

Please let me know if you have any questions and I would be happy to
answer them.

Kind regards

Timo Jacob

CentOS-mirror mailing list