On 27/09/14 14:14, BRNet Telecom. wrote:
Good Morning,
I have a doubt, can anyone give me strength. Finished configuring all your content synchronized mirror, but the mirror-but status.centos.org site stating this as "the team", and already does some 16hrs, what should I do? what might be missing?
My mirror is: centos.brnet.net.br
-- Bruno Thomaz
The mirror checker node has a problem getting to your mirror : dig +short centos.brnet.net.br => empty dig -t ns @ +short brnet.net.br => empty
Can you verify on your side ? also , worth noting that a "whois brnet.net.br" doesn't return NS either (but probably because of "% Query rate limit exceeded. Reduced information.")
- From another machine in another network , (and so using another ns resolver) it seems I can get it. So I can change the name resolver on that machine, but it would be good to investigate on your side why the google NS doesn't know about your domain.
- -- Fabian Arrotin gpg key: 56BEC54E | twitter: @arrfab