On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 4:01 PM, Raymond Dijkxhoorn <raymond@prolocation.net> wrote:

>>>> mirror: mirrors.gigenet.com <http://mirrors.gigenet.com>, are there any
>>>> issues with our mirror? I checked the mirror status page and all looks
>>>> good however we are seeing no downloads and don't seem to be included on
>>>> the downloads page.

>>> mirrorlist.centos.org and isoredirect aren't giving out 5.4 yet. Traffic
>>> will come :)

>> When is this bitflip to be expected?

> The bitflip already happened. The collector scripts are still collecting :/

Okay. Any idea when that one completed, then i start some yum updates ;))


You know... they say patience is a virtue.  I'm sure the official release will come shortly based on the status of the mirrors and on Karanbir's twitter feed (http://twitter.com/centOS).
