----- Original Message ----- | Hi, | | "eu-msync.centos.org has address | 2011-07-09 11:29:46 | msync.CentOS.org rsync service (centosh2)" | | Above server just deleted 6.0 of our mirror, and some other updates as | well. Would it make sense to disable rsync from machines that are not | yet up2date during a major version update? That way traffic could be | greatly reduced. For now i removed --delete from the script, but in my | opinion temporary disabling rsync from out-of-date machines would be | better, since it can be better controlled.
This is precisely why I sent a notice that you remove any --delete flags. Any time there is a major release 3=>4=>5=>6 you should remove these flags so that content isn't destroyed while there is a lot of mirror flux. Usually one or two weeks after release I tend to put it back.