It seems there is a problem getting the official vault.centos.org archive content on a mirror at the moment.
We are mirroring the CentOS Vault from kernel.org (archive.kernel.org::centos), but the content is not in sync with the http repository of vault.centos.org . I also checked the Leaseweb mirror (mirror.leaseweb.net::centos-vault), and it's the same there, not in sync.
The content that we in particular are looking for is CentOS 6.5
Sven Meeus System Engineer/Administrator
EURid vzw/asbl Woluwelaan 150 1831 Diegem Belgium
Tel: +32 (0)2 401 27 50 Fax: +32 (0)2 401 27 51 techteam@eurid.eu
On 18-11-14 00:20, Donald DAvanzo wrote:
HTTP:http://repos.redrockhost.com/centos/ FTP: RSYNC:
Sync schedule: Every 4 hrs Bandwidth: 1 gbps Location: Las Vegas, Nevada USA (Switch Communications SUPERNAP) Sponsor: Sin City Cloud / Red Rock Tech LLC Sponsor URL:www.sincitycloud.com http://www.sincitycloud.com IP to authorize: Email contact:don@redrockhost.com mailto:don@redrockhost.com
Regards, Donald R. D'Avanzo Jr */Chief Technology Officer/ Red Rock Tech LLC. / Sin City Cloud
*Office:* (702) 707-3828 | *Direct:* (702) 302-9432 10161 Park Drive, Ste 150 | Las Vegas, Nevada 89145 *www.sincitycloud.com http://www.sincitycloud.com*
CentOS-mirror mailing list CentOS-mirror@centos.org http://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos-mirror
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