Mirroring via httpis way more of a pain and uses WAY more bandwidth than rsync since the latter just pulls the new or changed files. Mirroring just 6 is as simple as making the remote directory the 6 ones. I suggest something like the following which should also keep the symlink up to date:

RSYNC="`which rsync`"
OPTS="--delay-updates --delete-delay --devices --links --partial --perms --progress --recursive --sparse --specials --timeout=600 --times --quiet"

# CentOS 6 Repos
MSG="Starting sync of CentOS 6 repos"
echo "${MSG}"
logger -t rsync "${MSG}"
${RSYNC} ${OPTS} ${SRC}/centos-6/* ${DST}/CentOS/

Gene Liverman
Systems Administrator
Information Technology Services
University of West Georgia

ITS: Making Technology Work for You!

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On Dec 25, 2013 7:42 PM, "Adrian Sevcenco" <Adrian.Sevcenco@spacescience.ro> wrote:
Hi! I would like to setup a centos mirror but only with centos 6 data.
Would be enough to use http://eu-msync.centos.org/centos-6 ?

is it ok a command like:
rsync  -avSH --delay-updates --delete $remote_dir $mirror_dir

where remote-dir is rsync://eu-msync.centos.org/centos-6 ?

is there a way to use a http mechanism? (i imagine that
eu-msync.centos.org is an alias to the closest mirror and most often the
http is used and less rsync)


Adrian Sevcenco, Ph.D.                       |
Institute of Space Science - ISS, Romania    |
adrian.sevcenco at {cern.ch,spacescience.ro} |
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