Guess I'm just not really getting the whole lock file thing, If its not there SHOULD this script make it? Also, If I make a file called update-centos.lock it complains that the lock file already exists when I run the script but still runs the rsync command. I'm really not well versed when it comes to linux lock files and scripting. And would really need someone to hold my hand the whole way :s This is what I make from David's comments, I'm sure I've done it wrong.
### #!/bin/bash
### Lock file if [ -f /tmp/update-centos.lock ] then echo "Lock file exists" && exit 1 else date >> /tmp/update-centos.lock fi
### Big long rsync command ### echo "Starting centos rsync" screen -A -m -d -S centos rsync -vaH --numeric-ids --delete --delete-after --delay-updates --progress rsync:// /home/www/centos
### Remove lock file /bin/rm -rf /tmp/update-centos.lock ### end
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of David Richardson Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2009 5:59 PM To: Mailing list for CentOS mirrors. Subject: Re: [CentOS-mirror] lock files
On Wed, 5 Aug 2009, Nick Olsen wrote:
I run a private centos mirror. Using rsync from the mirror
I?m sure you get this all the time, but how do I use lock files with the rsync client to keep multiple from spawning because of cron jobs?
My mirror also hosts ubuntu and a few others which run at the same time, if this info is needed.
Right now the cron job just SH?s a script containing a screen call with the rsync command in it. And I would like to keep it this way. At least that sh script. What im really looking for is a script that checks for the lockfile if its running. And then if its not SH?s the script. I would have the cron job runĀ that script, and that script would run my sh script called located in /root/
On my mirror, I have a separate script for each project I mirror. My script looks like this:
### #!/bin/bash
### Lock file if [ -f /tmp/update-centos.lock ] then echo "Lock file exists" && exit 1 else date >> /tmp/update-centos.lock fi
### Big long rsync command ###
### Remove lock file /bin/rm -rf /tmp/update-centos.lock ### end
I also have /etc/rc.local remove the lock files for all my scripts (in case I reboot during a run): # /etc/rc.local /bin/rm /tmp/update.lock >/dev/null 2>&1
Hope this helps. DR