Matt Martz wrote :
Country: France City: Lyon Organization: Centre de Calcul de l'IN2P3 Organization URL: http://cc.in2p3.fr Organization Mail: mirror at cc.in2p3.fr Protocols: http ftp rsync Centos Versions: all of msync.centos.org::CentOS URL http: http://mirror.in2p3.fr/linux/CentOS/ URL ftp: ftp://mirror.in2p3.fr/pub/linux/CentOS/ URL rsync: rsync://mirror.in2p3.fr/ftp/linux/CentOS/ Syncing: twice a day BandWidth: 100 Mb/s (may change to 1 Gb/s; site bandwidth: 10 Gb/s)
I'd like to mirror the DVD images. Can you allow to download the DVD images from the master site?
This mirror has been added.
I added the DVD images (mirrored from ftp-stud.fht-esslingen.de). How can I mirror these images from the master site?