On 15/10/2019 18:28, Eduardo Casarero wrote:
> Hi Admins, please review our new mirror.
> HTTP: http://mirrors.eze.sysarmy.com/centos/
> HTTPS: https://mirrors.eze.sysarmy.com/centos/
> Sync schedule: Every 6 hrs
> Bandwidth: 500Mbit
> Location: Argentina, Buenos Aires.
> Sponsor: Sysarmy
> Sponsor URL: https://sysarmy.com
> IPv4 address to authorize:
> Email contact: eduardo@sysarmy.com <mailto:eduardo@sysarmy.com>
> Mirroring AltArch: no
> Thanks,
Hi, when checking the mirror, we see a diff between the advertised
A/AAAA record and the one you ask to be authorized :
Checking url http://mirrors.eze.sysarmy.com/centos/ ...
Mirror URL: http://mirrors.eze.sysarmy.com/centos/
IPv4 Address:
IPv6 Address: 2001:13c7:600a:209::182
Country: Argentina - AR
Can you confirm that you don't want your mirror to be authorized but
rather an IPv4 address from another subnet ? and so justify why ? (more
curious than anything else but still ..)
Kind Regards,
Fabian Arrotin
The CentOS Project | https://www.centos.org
gpg key: 17F3B7A1 | twitter: @arrfab
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