On 01/18/2011 04:16 PM, Jim Kusznir wrote:
and sync. Perhaps the tree without iso's should be sync'ed on the mirrors first, with the iso's available only via torrents for the first 24-48 hrs....
This is perhaps something we can trial. But it would make kernel.org quite unhappy. Also the other problem we have is that with over a 100 machines in 80+ DC's around the world, just seeding the .centos.org network takes about 2 days. We did optimise some of the routes that we use and have been doing regular pipeline testing to see what are the best sort of rsync tree's we can setup, but 2 days is realistically the earliest we can open msync up to external mirrors.
Then there is the issue of non-public private mirrors rsyncing off msync and contesting with the public mirrors :/ Last time I checked ( and I accept this was a while back ) - we had about 3800 people pulling from msync, we dont have nearly as many public mirrors.
In any case, I suggest/expect that the torrent seeds/downloads would not effect mirror operators or the servers themselves unless the admin decided to also seed the torrent. Of course, all mirrors would benefit by offloading those users that "have to have it as soon as its released".
Also, perhaps this would be a good time for the new mirror management system?
I know that Ralph is working on something of this nature, and there are atleast a couple more people helping and there have been some spike tests for various options. So its definitely in the pipeline, not sure if there is a delivery-date though.
- KB