Hey CentOSers,
I'd like to enroll my mirror service
HTTP: http://mirrors.td512.io/CentOS/ http://mirrors.td512.io/CentOS/ FTP: N/A RSYNC: N/A
Sync schedule: Every 4 hrs Bandwidth: 1Gbps Location: Christchurch, New Zealand Sponsor: Levi Pihema-Lindsay Sponsor URL: https://td512.me https://td512.me/ IPv4 address to authorize: IPv6 address to authorize: N/A Email contact: td512 at td512 dot io Mirroring AltArch : no
Levi Pihema-Lindsay td512.me || td512.io e: td512@td512.io p: +64275258549 My emails are PGP signed http://td512.me/?promo=email_sig&utm_source=email_sig&utm_medium=email_sig&utm_campaign=external_links