20.1.2017, 17.49, badi permana kirjoitti:
HTTP: http://mirror.swin.net.id/centos/
Sync schedule: Every 6 hrs Bandwidth: 1G Location: Jakarta, Indonesia Sponsor: PT.SEWIWI INDONESIA Sponsor URL: http://www.SWIN.NET.ID IPv4 address to authorize: Email contact: SUPPORT@SWIN.NET.ID Mirroring AltArch: no
Hi, this mirror seems to be incomplete. Please note that you are supposed to make your initial sync from some other public mirror first, and once your mirror is ready, you can announce your mirror and you will be granted access to msync.centos.org.
These mirrors may be close to you:
rsync://kodeterbuka.beritagar.id/CentOS/ rsync://centos.mirror.angkasa.id/centos/ rsync://mirror.nes.co.id/centos/