On 16/06/14 20:45, SupportDenver wrote:
Hi there, thanks for the followup.
Per the wiki..
Currently HTTP Only
Mirror Info
- Mirror Name = mirrordenver.fdcservers.net
- Maintainers = supportdenver.fdcservers.net
- Sponsor = FDCServers.net LLC
- Sponsor Site = http://fdcservers.net
- 3 syncs per day
- Denver, Colorado USA
- Zone - MST
- Bandwidth 1Gpbs, unlimited
Daily Crons $remote=us-msync.centos.org::CentOS rsync -azqH --delete $remote $local
0 5 * * * ~/centos-mirror-sync.sh 0 13 * * * ~/centos-mirror-sync.sh 0 21 * * * ~/centos-mirror-sync.sh
Thank You, FDCServers.net Denver
Well, that specific mirror was also existing in our DB (and also listed on centos.org/download/mirrors) so not sure why you ask to add it :-)