Export compliance.

On Oct 7, 2016 18:23, "Rasanegar NOC" <noc@rasanegar.com> wrote:


It seems CentOS folks did not list Iranian mirrors…… and they don’t open  access for  our ips….

It’s strange for open source projects that meant to be free ……


From: centos-mirror-bounces@centos.org [mailto:centos-mirror-bounces@centos.org] On Behalf Of Rasanegar NOC
Sent: Friday, October 7, 2016 11:30 AM
To: centos-mirror@centos.org
Cc: centos-mirror-announce@centos.org
Subject: [CentOS-mirror] FW: First 10Gb CentOS mirror in IRAN


Hello Dear CentOS List

We changed of our Mirror IP  address so please change our access IP to mirror

New IP address is :  ( Mirror address remain unchanged )


Our server information is :


HTTP: http://mirror.rasanegar.com/centos/

FTP: NO FTP at the moment


Sync schedule: Every 6 hrs

Bandwidth: 10 Gbp/s

Location: IRAN/Tehran

Sponsor: Rasanegar Smart Solutions

Sponsor URL: http://www.rasanegar.com

IPv4 address to authorize:

IPv6 address to authorize:

Email contact:  NOC  {at] rasanegar dot com

Mirroring AltArch  : no



Rasanegar NOC

Phone : +98(26)34352614


CentOS-mirror mailing list