Sync schedule: Every 6 hrs

Bandwidth: 10 Gbps connection (multiple tier 1 upstreams + local peerings).

Location: (For US : NY & LA)

Sponsor: Evowise

Sponsor URL:

IP to authorize:

Email contact:

Mirroring AltArch  : no

We are a tech company with global presence of web servers and would love to contribute by becoming an official CentOS mirror. We've deployed within our own CDN. These are the specs that we are using:

CPU : 2 X Intel Xeon E5-2630 v3 
64 Gb Ram
22T usable space (raid5)

This mirror is sync'd over our CDN:
Bucharest, Romania
London, UK
Italy, Milan
Spain, Madrid
US, New York

We would like to list: is on an anycast network and it has <50 ms ping from most global locations using those backend CDN locations.


Hayden James