Dear Mr. Prasad
I am really surprised to see you are asking same query twice within 2 or 3 weeks!
Thanks goes to Mr. Hassan. The rsync option bellow:
--filter='protect *DVD*iso' --filter='protect *torrent'
Will protect deleting DVD's from your mirror. As I can remember, Mr. Hassan give this solutions just before 2 or 3 weeks ago, on a thread which was between 3 person, first You, Second Mr. Hassan, And 3rd is Me.
Please study before posting any query. CentOS Mirror Mailing list mirror Archive has a lot of information. Other then that Google is there to help you. Here in this list a lot of persons who are really busy and their time is too expensive. Please show your responsibility. Nobody here is / will spoon feed you.
As a Mirror Maintainer you should have basic level of technical knowledge and common sense. Hope everyone, including me will use common sense before sending any email on list.
With Best Regards & Eid Mubarak ( to ALL
Ahamed Bauani Freelance IT Consultant
On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 8:30 PM, Nyamul Hassan wrote:
I am trying to host ISO DVDs also of Centos. however none of the rsync mirrors are providing DVD access. How are you guys doing that.
Thanks Durga Prasad
We do a two step sync as follows: ::STEP 1 rsync -vaH --numeric-ids --filter='protect *DVD*iso' --filter='protect *torrent' --delete --delete-after --delay-updates --progress /mnt/tera2/centos ::STEP 2 rsync -vaH --numeric-ids --filter='include */' --filter='include *DVD*iso' --filter='include *torrent' --filter='exclude *' --progress /mnt/tera2/centos I think I mentioned this earlier on another thread no longer than 2 weeks ago. Regards HASSAN>
Thanks, I remembered that - but I downloaded DVDs from other site through http and kept in the folder. but they got deleted in the next rsync run. Before investigating further, I felt there should be an easy way. --- sorry im too lazy :)
rgds/Durga Prasad
To stop rsync from delete them, you need those filter rules as in my example. Regards HASSAN
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