Mote, Ty R. wrote:
Thank you to everyone who responded back in the mailing list and to those who offered advice offline. I appreciate all of you.
I am using cygwin to run rsync and it works beautiully. As many have pointed out, since I am using IIS instead of apache the symlinks and hard links won't work.
hard links is ok, its just going to use more space on your side - since you get multiple copies of each file.
but the symlinks is worrying - your mirror will effectively be non usable, unless the $releasever/ matching symlinks work and are moved around in sync with the centos msync network.
I am open to suggestions from people on how we might be able to work around this, nothing obvious comes to my mind. except that the entire latest version tree be also copied under the $releasever/ tree. effectively doubling the entire mirror size.