2009/12/28 Jess Cannata jac67@georgetown.edu
We are rsync'ing from http://mirror.chpc.utah.edu/pub/centos/.
Also, we are hosting everything.
If you haven't already, you may want to talk to David Richardson, who is the mirror admin for the Utah mirror that you are currently rsync'ing from. He has a private mirror that we currently sync from and it will allow you to get new releases prior to the bitflip and will give your syncs priority. I believe he offered it (about a month or two ago) to be used by any tier 1 mirror that currently can't sync from the master pool or has restrictions like our mirror does.
-- Mathew S. McCarrell Clarkson University '10
mccarrms@gmail.com mccarrms@clarkson.edu 1-518-314-9214