well, Fedora has been having the Mirror-Manager for quite some while now where you can select which countries your mirror would want to serve and also give your networks (lately: your AS-numbers) and would always be ranked first in the mirror-lists.
I've tried to discuss that with CentOS-folks in the past, but they seemed to prefer the current system which "just works" for them :-(
Sorry to hear that, while we're wasting bandwidth :-(
Kind regards, Stefan Neufeind
On 09/27/2010 01:48 AM, Randy McAnally wrote:
That was going to be my next question. How far out is the possibility of choosing mirror(s) (at least part of the random 10) from the same ASN as the clients? I'd be willing to help/contribute to impliment this on the mirror server side... last thing I want to do is proxy/hijack the mirror server traffic.
-- Randy M.
---------- Original Message ----------- From: Lucian lucian@chml.ro To: centos-mirror@centos.org Sent: Sun, 26 Sep 2010 23:53:54 +0100 Subject: Re: [CentOS-mirror] Ideas on steering yum to local mirrors
On 26/09/10 23:42, Ralph Angenendt wrote:
Am 26.09.10 20:52, schrieb Randy McAnally:
I have never seen our own mirrors show up in more than 1 of the 4 repos
at any
given time. In the case of DNS/Proxy hijacking, does this mean we would have to return ONLY our mirrors, or do I just make sure they are part of the 10 random mirrors?
Note that I am not officially recommending DNS hijacking, as I think that it is rather nasty towards your users - and only really works if all your users use your name servers for DNS resolution.
Having said that: I'd just return your mirrors, if you can handle the load.
There are other mirroring systems which can also act on a BGP or simple CIDR level, maybe it is time to take a look at those.
If there are systems capable of using BGP then why is everyone using Geoip?...