I've setup a new mirror (almost finished) but I have a few questions. I am running the first sync as a single command right now, sync'ed weekly until I get a few questions answered.
Currently, my command is: rsync -aqzH --delete --delay-updates us-msync.centos.org::CentOS /var/ www/centos
I plan on just allowing http for now, and I'm connected via multi- homed DS3's so bandwidth is not a HUGE problem. I am not limited but might have to if the link becomes very heavily used.
My questions are: If I am to sync 2-4 times a day, how do I setup lock files in a script? Right now i'm just using a single command (listed above). I assume you will most likely tell me to connect to a Tier 1 server to sync from instead of a master server right? Secondly, if I were to say drop down to only version 5, what is the best way to do that as well?
Thanks, Josh