Am 21.11.10 07:57, schrieb Bangladeshi CentOS Mirror Maintainer [BD-SERVERS.NET]:
The guideline was created on 2004 and Last updated on 2009. This is November 2010, a lot of change has been maid. Even we are trying to change the current method of choosing nearest mirror.
This has nothing to do with the latter. Those guidelines are used for mailing lists (and usenet discussions) all over the world. This is not a private conversation you are having, it is going out to tens, hundreds, thousands people world wide (depending on which of our lists you are participating). These guidelines are common sense. And they don't change within 2, 6 or even 15 years.
Not trimming your replies and keeping top posting just shows that you do not care about others, just about your own laziness.
Forget about 3 years, think about the last 1 years, how the things changes. If you don't like any conversation, you are welcome to 'hit' the 'del' button of your keyboard.
As are you, while composing your mails.
KEEP YOUR MAILS SHORT AND TO THE POINTS YOU ARE TALKIN ABOUT. Everything else is just a waste of everybody's time.
And no, those guidelines will not be changed.