24.4.2017, 19.38, mohsen Abbaspour kirjoitti:
Hi everyone
First , I say English is not my first language , excuse me for mistakes
I want To Run Official CentOs mirror link in Iran But I do not Know Exactly which requirements I should perform , for example in The CentOS official site recommended 15 Tb space needed but it depending on region , how much space I need , and what are The other requirements ?? best regard
Hi, thank you for your interest in setting up a CentOS mirror in Iran.
Unfortunately U.S. export administration regulations prevent us from accepting any CentOS mirrors from Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan and Syria. In my own personal opinion this is unfortunate, but this is the law at the moment. More info: https://www.centos.org/legal/#export-regulations
If this situation ever changes, we will be happy to reconsider your request.