Every buddy: Good morning, We are very much hope that the open-source can do something, so set up this mirror site, hoping to give added. our mirror site URL is http://mirror.centos.net.cn , have ftp , http , rsync version : 2,3,4,5, platform:x86 , x86_64 city: Beijing state:Beijing Country:China our bandwidth cap is 2MB our company is Linvs.com(www.linvs.com <http://www.linvs.com>, we have been engaged in open source software services like centos) old name is linuxsky. we have already donate once use happy6688505@126.com <mailto:happy6688505@126.com> , and subscribed to the maillist. my preferred contact: looks@263.net <mailto:looks@263.net> MSN: wake_young@hotmail.com <mailto:wake_young@hotmail.com> Best Regards. wake.young 2008.2.18-- 如有兴趣合作,或有任何疑问,请随时垂询我的电话。在此,先祝您工作顺利,心情愉快! 中国最专业的开源方案与服务商 北京灵聚思科技有限公司 联系人: 杨文清 电 话: 010-59798236 手 机: 139 1156 1267 传 真: 010-64082120 地 址: 北京朝阳门北大街1号新保利大厦B318 邮 编: 100010 邮 件: ywq@linvs.com 网 站: www.linvs.com