FTP mirrors are no longer in use. The CentOS Project no longer keeps records on FTP-enabled hosts, and does not advertise said hosts. If you are not using FTP for any other purpose, it is safe to stop, disable and uninstall your FTP daemon.
The reason those links are not working, is because you need to place a forward slash between "centos" and the version number, so it looks like this: http://ftp.gtx.hu/centos/6/cr/x86_64/repodata/
If your mirror is synchronizing correctly, it will automatically create these directories. I would simply run a manual sync to correct any problems with any links or missing folders/files.
Could you please amend the details of this mirror please?
RSYNC: rsync://ftp.gtx.hu/centos
Sync schedule:Every 4 hours--> Every 2 hoursBandwidth:1Gbit/s--> 2x1Gbit/sLocation: Budapest, HungarySponsor: GTXSponsor URL:http://mirror.gtx.hu--> http://gtx.huIPv4 addresses to authorize: and> address to authorize: noneEmail contact:bb@twomiles.co.uk--> mirror@gtx.huMirroring AltArch : no
Best Regards,Balazs B
On Tue, 5 Feb 2019 at 15:38, Balazs Baranyi <bb@twomiles.co.uk> wrote:
We have setup a new CentOS mirror alongside our official Ubuntu mirror. Please feel free to add it to your list.
FTP: n/aRSYNC: n/a
Sync schedule: Every 4 hoursBandwidth: 1Gbit/sLocation: Budapest, HungarySponsor: GTXSponsor URL: http://mirror.gtx.huIPv4 addresses to authorize: and address to authorize: noneEmail contact: bb@twomiles.co.ukMirroring AltArch : no
I am glad to support the CentOS project!
Best Regards,Balazs B