Thanks Anthony – I have updated it on our cron jobs.. appreciate it…





From: [] On Behalf Of Anthony Somerset
Sent: March-15-13 3:45 AM
To: Mailing list for CentOS mirrors.
Subject: Re: [CentOS-mirror] out of date?


Hey Paul


centos effectively deprecated the DVD rsync source by adding the dvd isos to the main rsync source - you should be able to just sync form msync default from now on


Kind regards,  
Anthony Somerset 
Somerset Technical Solutions Ltd. 
Registered in the UK – Company no. 07738444 

VAT Registration No: 140 6916 22
T: +44 (0) 33 0088 2751 
PGP: 0x7C892BF5


On 14 Mar 2013, at 23:23, Ralph Angenendt <> wrote:

On 13.03.2013 14:57, Kelvin Edmison wrote:

I run a private mirror (sorry, don't have resources to contribute publicly) and I have been rsyncing from rsync://  I chose it because, network-wise, it seemed quite close to us.  However, I haven't seen any updates in a while and I see that the mirror tracker is reporting's HTTP mirror as 55 days out of date.  

Does the mirror tracker email the mirror admins when their mirrors fall out of date?

Hmmm. Normally it turns those mirrors off, so they don't show up in
mirrorlist or on the website.

At the moment that mirror is current, though.



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