Hello All
I support Randy M, my mirror is mirrors.bd-servers.net has multiple address, that's not the issue, issue is the machine itself update any rpm via yum, it always choose .au mirrors!
Other box in same subnet, also choose most of the time .au mirror. So I have to change the yum.conf of all CentOS box to use mirrors.bd-servers.net. More funny thing is from mirror access log, I found most of request is coming from India, Pakistan, Nepal etc. Few Bangladeshi IP also shows up, but it is too low in numbers. I think the problem is on fastmirror plugin.
From my country we have 3 gateway One is Seabone, Italy (EU), Other
is Singapore where few high speed mirror running, those mirrors are connected with Singapore National IX and the 3rd and most traffic pass through Tata Communication, India.
I asked few friend of India to check the mirror, result: most of time about 4 out of 5 found mirrors.bd-servers.net as their list.
We might have to do something about this issue.
Regards Ahamed Bauani
On Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 8:01 AM, Randy McAnally rsm@fast-serv.com wrote:
Here's another that popped up after a 'yum clean all':
styx.biochem.wfubmc.edu @50kb.sec
The funny thing is we have local public mirrors in both our datacenters yet these 5-50kb/sec mirrors always win for some reason :)
-- Randy M. www.FastServ.com
---------- Original Message ----------- From: "Randy McAnally" rsm@fast-serv.com To: centos-mirror@centos.org Sent: Fri, 24 Sep 2010 21:58:59 -0400 Subject: [CentOS-mirror] Terrible .edu mirror performance
Anyone else seeing dismal speeds from multiple .edu mirrors? Over the past few days? Several .edu mirrors over the past week have been running at 3kB/sec - 50kB/sec forcing me to have to clean my yum cache just to get through the update process. Latest .edu offender at 3kB/sec is mirror.vcu.edu. Even yum thinks it's a fast mirror for some reason.
I know it's great that schools are pitching in, but c-mon we need some kind of performance monitor for the Tier1 mirrors...not just up or down tests.
-- Randy M. www.FastServ.com
CentOS-mirror mailing list CentOS-mirror@centos.org http://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos-mirror
------- End of Original Message -------
CentOS-mirror mailing list CentOS-mirror@centos.org http://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos-mirror