Our mirror site domain address has been changed. How can I change it?
We want to change the domain address.
data.nicehosting.co.kr => data.aonenetworks.kr
Please add this mirror to the public list of CentOS mirrors. The details of the mirror are given below
HTTP: http://data.aonenetworks.kr/os/CentOS/ http://data.aonenetworks.kr/os/CentOS/
Sync schedule: Every 00:00 hrs
Bandwidth: 100MB
Location: ASIA KR
Sponsor: AoneNetworks Co.,Ltd.
Sponsor URL: https://www.aonenetworks.kr/ https://www.aonenetworks.kr/
IPv4 address to authorize:
IPv6 address to authorize:
Email contact: mailto:webmaster@nidc.kr webmaster@nidc.kr
Mirroring AltArch : yes
(주)에이원네트웍스 | MSP 사업팀
13496 경기도 성남시 분당구 성남대로925번길 36 KT-IDC A5
Tel 1544-6191 | Fax 031-706-6191 | HP 010-3450-6191
E-Mail mailto:webmaster@nidc.kr webmaster@nidc.kr | Web http://www.nidc.kr/ http://www.nidc.kr
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