On 02/04/15 11:40, Fabian Arrotin wrote: <big snip>
Hi Garri,
Just checked and as your the first mirror in Uzbekistan, the GeoIP map we used was just redirecting directly to Kazakhstan. I've now updated that, but now we'll have to wait for the next crawler process to check your mirror for each ${release}/${repo}/${arch}.
That would normally happen in the following hour .. so let's check that later today.
PS : the GeoIP backend is actually already used by the mirrorlist nodes, but searching now for mirrorlist not already produced for .uz , so falling back to external nodes. That will be corrected after the mirror crawler will have validated your mirror and produced a list including your mirror and "nearby countries"
I've just checked and now your mirror is listed in the mirrorlists ..
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Fabian Arrotin The CentOS Project | http://www.centos.org gpg key: 56BEC54E | twitter: @arrfab