On Wed, 5 Aug 2009, Nick Olsen wrote:
Ok I think I got it, just one more thing. If I make the lock file myself with the date >> /tmp/update-centos.lock file it works and doesn't let another one spawn. However. If its not there its not creating it. Do I have the else part in the right spot?
if [ -f /tmp/update-centos.lock ] # It does exist. # Exit here so we don't screw up a run in-progress then echo "Lock file exists" && exit 1 # No, it doesn't exist. # Create the lock file so another run won't start. else date >> /tmp/update-centos.lock fi
### Now we can do the actual rsync. At this point, we know that only one ### copy of the script is running.
### Big long rsync command ### echo "Starting centos rsync" screen -A -m -d -S centos rsync -vaH --numeric-ids --delete --delete-after --delay-updates --progress rsync://linux.mirrors.es.net/centos/ /home/www/centos DATE=`date` echo "$DATE with mirror linux.mirrors.es.net" > /home/www/txt/centostime.txt
# Now we're done. Remove the lock file. /bin/rm -rf /tmp/update-centos.lock
Hmm. What happens if you remove screen from the picture (that is, have the script run the rsync directly)?