We will have to shutdown the data center to replace a faulty part in the UPS systems. I will inform you as soon as mirror.ufs.ac.za is up and running again.
Kind regards
Stephanus Riekert
Stephanus Riekert
Senior Officer: Information and Communication Technology Services
Senior Beampte: Inligtings- en Kommunikasietegnologiedienste
PO Box / Posbus 339, Bloemfontein 9300, Republic of South Africa / Republiek van Suid-Afrika
(+27(0)51 401 9700
RiekertSJPK@ufs.ac.za ( mailto:RiekertSJPK@ufs.ac.za )
( http://www.facebook.com/home.php#%21/pages/University-of-the-Free-State/175257709184139 ) ( http://twitter.com/#%21/UFSweb ) ( http://www.youtube.com/UFSWeb )
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