Hi there,
Recently I notified that the CentOS 4.4 directory appeared and disappeared periodically in our mirror server (ftp.riken.jp). After the investigation, I notified that at the CentOS Rsync Master server
the 4.4 directory seems to be disappeared sometimes in rsync connection. Since we are mirroring CentOS archives from msync.centos.org::CentOS using "rsync -aqzH --delete" options, when the 4.4 directly cannot be found at msync.centos.org::CentOS at the rsync mirror period, all the 4.4 archives mirrored so far are deleted immediately. And then in the next time when the 4.4 directory is found at msync.centos.org::CentOS, the rsyncing of 4.4 starts from the beginning. This repetition seems to raise the overload of the centos rsync master server (msync.centos.org)...
For the temporary solution, I have removed --delete option in rsync command and switched the rsync server to us-msync server. Could someone please investigate this problem ? Thank you in advance.
Takashi Ichihara