If interested, you can pick the mirror from our site ESnet ( http://linux.mirrors.es.net) which mirrors directly with Centos master and also has access to I2.
Cheers, Roberto
--On October 13, 2009 11:37:37 PM -0400 "Mathew S. McCarrell" mccarrms@gmail.com wrote:
So, I have a few questions about the future of the CentOS mirror network since the release of 5.4 is soon.
Is there any possibility that the rsync master pool will eventually have a direct link to the Internet2 Network? If not, is there any way for a mirror (like mirror.clarkson.edu) to avoid the delay in syncing new releases like 5.4 prior to the bitflip?
I'm asking this because the Clarkson mirror was unable to sync the release of 4.8 prior to the bitflip occurring since we are forced to sync with a mirror that is on the Internet2 Network. I would prefer to avoid delays in being able to serve new releases, if possible.
Thanks for any help you can provide, Matt
PS - It appears that someone (taylorvang2199) has posted something similar to an advertisement on the bottom of the CentOS Mirroring HowTo page.
-- Mathew S. McCarrell Clarkson University '10
mccarrms@gmail.com mccarrms@clarkson.edu 1-518-314-9214