We have setup a new public mirror for CentOS.
*Details for the mirror are:* * URL : http://centos.hostingxtreme.com * Synchronized : Every 12 hours * Location : Columbus, Ohio, USA * Connection : 100 mbit * Sponsor : HostingXtreme - http://hostingxtreme.com * Contact : info@hostingxtreme.com
The cron is setup with this lock-file. Hope it is correct:
========================== #!/bin/bash
if [ "$(ps auxw | grep msync.centos.org::CentOS|grep -v grep)" != "" ];then echo "A centos-sync is already running ..." exit fi echo "rsyncing now" rsync -aqzH --delete msync.centos.org::CentOS /correct/path/ echo "done syncing"
-- Thanks,
The HostingXtreme Support Team http://hostingxtreme.com