please check Fabian's email from https://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos-mirror/2022-March/051118.html
which points to https://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/CreatePublicMirrors ... Before submitting your mirror, you should check that all your mirror URLs work properly from outside your organization. Firewall problems are surprisingly common. If your mirror has an IPv6 address, you should check IPv4 and IPv6 separately. Both curl and rsync have -4 and -6 options for selecting the protocol.
In your mirror submission, please provide all relevant URLs (http/https/rsync) as well as how often you are synchronizing from the mirror network. Please include what city/state/country you are in and what your bandwidth (speed) is. Also please give a name and link to the sponsoring organization so we can give proper credit. If the best contact point for your mirror is not the address you are subscribed to the mailing list with, please provide the email address of your preferred contact as well.
Next step is to open a CentOS Infra ticket using the 'mirror-request-legacy' Issue type (sign in using your CentOS Account, which is required to create ticket). This will start a template for you to fill out with the required details and once submitted someone from the "infra and releng" team will work on your mirror proposal. ...