On Thu, 12 Apr 2007, Jose M. Sanchez wrote:
Lance Davis wrote:
The sync seems to be going apace now - we aim to release tomorrow.
Please would mirrors that have synced and have approx 20GB in the centos/5.0/ tree email this list to confirm.
ftp.cica.es synced and ready.
Also if any mirrors are listed on our website as only carrying 3 or 4 or both and want to carry 5 then they will need to let us know to update the database once they have synced.
We are still not listed in your official mirrors list, although we asked for it two months ago.
Many apologies - your email must have been missed.
We need an issue tracking system :(
I have now added your mirror to the database.
Many thanks
Regards Lance
Our info:
URLs: ftp://ftp.cica.es/CentOS/ http://ftp.cica.es/CentOS/ rsync://rsync.cica.es/CentOS/
Version: All Architectures: All Sync: 4 times/day Location: Sevilla, Spain, Europe Bandwith: 2Gbps Organization: CICA (Centro Informatico Cientifico de Andalucia) Organization URL: http://www.cica.es/ e-mail: ftpmgr@cica.es
ftp and http protocols are accessible by IPv4 and IPv6.
-- Jos� Manuel S�nchez Bretones Aplicaciones de Red Centro Inform�tico Cient�fico de Andaluc�a (CICA) Avda. Reina Mercedes s/n - 41012 - Sevilla (Spain) Tfno.: +34 955 056 600 / FAX: +34 955 056 650 Consejer�a de Innovaci�n, Ciencia y Empresa Junta de Andaluc�a
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