Le mardi 26 décembre 2006 15:08, Thom van der Boon a écrit :
There is a directory with a permission problem on the mirror sites. Whenever I rsync my own mirror, I get the following error:
receiving file list ... rsync: opendir "/3.8/isos/ia64/.~tmp~" (in CentOS) failed: Permission denied (13) done
For information, in case some people are not aware, you can found this in rsync man page:
--delay-updates This option puts the temporary file from each updated file into a holding directory until the end of the transfer, at which time all the files are renamed into place in rapid succession. This attempts to make the updating of the files a little more atomic. By default the files are placed into a directory named ".~tmp~" in each file's destination directory, but if you've specified the --partial-dir option, that directory will be used instead. See the comments in the --partial-dir section for a discussion of how this ".~tmp~" dir will be excluded from the transfer, and what you can do if you wnat rsync to cleanup old ".~tmp~" dirs that might be lying around. Conflicts with --inplace and --append.