##- Please type your reply above this line -##
We have recently changed the name of our company. Please update the details of our mirror from the following:
HTTP: http://mirror.nl.10gbps.io/centos/ Sponsor: 10Gbps.io Sponsor URL: https://10gbps.io AltArch HTTP: http://mirror.nl.10gbps.io/centos-altarch/
To the new:
HTTP: http://mirror.nl.datapacket.com/centos/ Sponsor: DataPacket Sponsor URL: https://datapacket.com AltArch HTTP: http://mirror.nl.datapacket.com/centos-altarch/
Everything else stays the same. The mirror will also still remain accessible from the old hostname, so there are no complications.
Thank you.
Best regards,
Jakub Zadrazil Technical Support
CDN77.com | Content Delivery Network m: tech@cdn77.com | sales@cdn77.com t: +1-718-427-9911 (US) t: +44 (0) 20 3514 2399 (UK) w: http://www.cdn77.com
Ticket Details --------------------------------- Ticket ID: 588481 Department: CDN77 - tech (internal) Type: Issue Status: Closed Priority: Medium