Hello, we would like to add out mirror to the public mirror list.
Region: Europe
Country : Belgium
City : Brussels
Company Name : Stone Internet Services
Versions : 4 & 5
Architectures : All
RSYNC & FTP to be added
Syncronize : Every 6 hours
Server OS : CentOS
Network : 100 Mbit local & international
Thank you,
Stein Van Stichel
Gelieve in de toekomst al uw supportvragen via https://cis.stone-is.net/cp te laten verlopen.
Stein Van Stichel,
Stone Internet Services bvba
Kortrijksesteenweg 842
9000 Gent Belgium
VAT: BE.873.411.853 RPR Gent
Phone: 0902/40074 (from Belgium only)
Fax: +32.92700081
Mail: stein@stone-is.com