I need to also request whitelist updates for centos-vault.

Here is the current mirror information:

mirrors.sfo.kernel.org  2001:4f8:4:6f:0:1994:3:14

mirrors.pdx.kernel.org   2001:19d0:306:6:0:1994:3:14

Thank you.

Michael Halstead
SysAdmin / Linux Foundation

On Mon, Jun 19, 2017 at 10:00 AM, Michael Halstead <mhalstead@linuxfoundation.org> wrote:

mirrors.pdx.kernel.org is moving to a new rack with a new set of addresses on June 21st.

From / 2620:3:c000:b:0:1994:3:14

To / 2001:19d0:306:6:0:1994:3:14

Thank you for assistance whitelisting the new addresses.

Michael Halstead
SysAdmin / Linux Foundation