Alex Howells wrote:
You're probably looking for something along the lines of mod_cband, calculate based on 200GB per Mbps at 95% and allocate accordingly -- it'll allow clients to burst for small-ish files but fairly effectively ratelimits against 'big' transfers, and can enforce a global cap on transfer per day, week, month :)
please do NOT do cband controls for centos mirrors, we would prefer to not have a mirror than have something that is forcing users to slow downloads. The way in which mirror urls are used by yum are randomised to spread the load, however a client normally sticks to one mirror for an entire session.
If you are using mod_cband to slow transfers down, you are essentially causing a user to run their transactions slower than what they would have had they moved to another mirror. And at that stage, you may as well just stop offering a mirror.