On 8/6/07, Kazuhiro Fujieda <fujieda@jaist.ac.jp> wrote:
We provide a public mirror for CentOS *including DVD images*
via the following URLs.
This server is located at Ishikawa, Japan, and provides *2Gbps* bandwidth.
Please use the name `JAIST' and URL `http://www.jaist.ac.jp/'
on referring our site as sponsoring organization.

We are currently mirroring ftp.ncnu.edu.tw. We'd prefer to mirror
the master site including DVD images. Please accommodate
us. The address of our server is for ACL.
  | AIST      Kazuhiro Fujieda <fujieda@jaist.ac.jp>
  | HOKURIKU  School of Information Science
o_/ 1990      Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

This mirror has been added.

Matt Martz
CentOS Mirror Admin