Le Wednesday 07 March 2007, Lance Davis a écrit :
In preparation for the public release of CentOS 5 beta, we would like to expand the number of mirror servers that have the beta as we expect it to be a popular download.
So if any mirrors - especially ones with large bandwidth - can agree to the following please let us know :-
I do not have many bandwith for http, but I can provide a spare rsync server easilly, and I can ensure a sync very often (4 time per hour for example).
- set up an apache virtual host as beta.centos.or
This is possible, but I'll have probably to restart my apache, which is not acceptable because the count long iso download always pending on the server.
- set up rsync for beta.cenros.org with targets we specify
Will this target change for next beta ? how many rsync per day ? Why do you not push beta on classic tree ? I am usually ready to help, but I can't change my config for all distribution like this, otherwise, I can work only the mirrors (I rsync mandriva, centos, scientific, devil...), for some tree, I am often the first and sometimes the only one to report errors.
So if you can ensure me I'll have to setup this only one time for all, why not.
This will make it easy for us to use GeoIP based dns system to give out mirrors.
My server is already registered for a projet I am working on (http://mmm.zarb.org/ if interested)
- agree to sync regularily and only carry the latest beta download tree
Because we dont want broken stuff too widely distributed
I rsync mandriva 4 time per hour (400GB), so this is not a problem
- agree to remove the beta stuff when the beta test is over
And having to setup it again for next beta ? Why not keeping this tree for the devel tree, moving often, as mandriva have devel/cooker ?