Le jeudi 8 mars 2007, Olivier Thauvin a écrit :
Le Wednesday 07 March 2007, Lance Davis a écrit :
In preparation for the public release of CentOS 5 beta, we would like to expand the number of mirror servers that have the beta as we expect it to be a popular download.
So if any mirrors - especially ones with large bandwidth - can agree to the following please let us know :-
I do not have many bandwith for http, but I can provide a spare rsync server easilly, and I can ensure a sync very often (4 time per hour for example).
- set up an apache virtual host as beta.centos.or
This is possible, but I'll have probably to restart my apache, which is not acceptable because the count long iso download always pending on the server.
Hum, after looking my setup, and for most of server, unless you want to use / on the http server, there is no need of an apache virtual host.
Look *BSD which are always in /pub/*BSD. You just have to claim a path for ftp/http/rsync and so all mirror can easilly provide a symlink, or a mountpoint as ftp://.../pub/centos or http://.../CentOS-Beta. In apache this can be done with a simple Alias directive.
Unless the http server already use virtual host (rarelly the case for mirrors servers), by default an unknown server name will point to the default website.
Then just setup in you dns an CNAME or A ptr beta.centos.org -> mirrors.
Wouldn't be that faster to setup for most of people ?
BTW: I am not sure a round robin DNS is te best, people will randomly point to closed or far mirrors, with the bad results in some case (France -> France = up to 5MB, France -> USA never more than 400kB). To use Geoip and so being able choose the mirror, you cannot use a unique host name, otherwise the round robin dns will act, and to have http config working with named virtual host working, the http client should use the name in apache config. I can missed something, the idea seems to not be able to work.
Oterwise, I agree to see what I can do: distrib-coffee.ipsl.jussieu.fr, server IP:
Nothing is setup yet as I am waiting reply reply on topic above.