Hostmaster Citrahost kirjoitti 8.6.2018 klo 9.57:
But what i wondering is i schedule sync at Friday Jun 8 06:00:01 AM GMT+7 2018 Asia/Jakarta and the timestamp.txt showing different time that is Thu JunĀ 7 22:45:01 UTC 2018 Do i have done something worst that causing this?
Well, first of all, there is a 7 hour timezone difference between GMT+7 Asia/Jakarta and UTC. That explains most of the difference.
timestamp.txt represents the version of the files that you retrieved from the master servers (, and this is what matters when determining if the mirror is up to date. It does not represent the time when you synced from timestamp.txt gets updated on frequently, I think every 10 minutes or so. The timestamp.txt that you get from may be slightly behind your current time (typically less than half an hour), but that is normal.
As long as your mirror's entry on is green you're OK. The maximum allowed age is 28 hours, and you are nowhere near that. If you sync every 8 hours, your mirror's age is likely to always be under 8 hours, which is absolutely fine.
Relax, it's all OK now, so you can just sit back and enjoy the traffic :)