This has now been raised a few times, and I think its important to talk about : request for an centos-mirror-announce list, so mirror admins can only monitor that.
I think its important to not have an announce only list for the mirrors, and have a place like this list so issues important to the mirror admins can be discussed here. Things like how we might make changes to the mirror structures etc.
From my side of things there are 2 types of noise on this list :
1- people requesting new mirror additions and changes to status for those mirrors.
2- people running non-public mirrors using this list for chatter.
Tru, Ralph and I were talking about (1) yesterday and we can perhaps reduce that process to a webform. I am not sure what can be done about (2). Do we even want to do anything about it ?
Or, is there enough interest in having a -announce only list ?
- KB