

As of today we have completed the initial synchronization with Centos Mirror image and below is the URL




Organization : Cyber Futuristics India Pvt Ltd – Go4hosting

City : NOIDA

State : Uttar Pradesh

Country : India


Bandwidth : 50 Mbps


Contact information


Cyber Futuristics India Private Limited(Data Center -1)
SDF G-13/14,
Noida Special Economic Zone,
Noida -05 , UP India
24 X 7 Support : 91.120.6667.777
Phone : 91-120-6667700
Fax : 91-120.666.7766
Sales : 91.92124-13966

Web: http://www.go4hosting.com


We are synchronizing the mirror in every 4 hours.


Looking forward to your reply



With Best Regards


Sandeep Agarwal

Lead Consultant - IDC (Internet Datacenter Services)

Description: Description: Description: Description: go4hosting-1

Cyber Futuristics India Pvt. Ltd.

Address : SDF Block G-13/14,Noida Special Economic Zone(Formerly NEPZ)

Noida Phase II , Noida Dadri Road , Noida -201 305  INDIA

US Toll Free # 1.888.795.2770  UK Toll Free # 44.800.845.6515

IN # 91-120-6667719 Mail: sandeep.agarwal@cyfuture.com

URL:  http://www.cyfuture.com   ||  http://www.go4hosting.com


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