On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 04:38:44PM -0500, Ralph Angenendt wrote:
Hmmm, good. If MySQL is an option - we run other instances of that, then there's no need to to run a postgres instance. MirrorManager doesn't take advantage of the inetnum (or what it is called) data type in postgres which is able to store IP addresses and CIDR data?
No, it doesn't. It stores IPs as text, and does all the conversions of it in python.
At the moment we run quite a few instances of mirrorlist.ceVntos.org - the machines which hand out the urllist to machines - is that possible with mirrormanager, too? Or will one machine be able to handle the load?
As Adrian noted, this is not only possible, but recommended. Fedora has ~8 servers handing out the mirrorlist by request, and they don't even blink at the load.
Fine. I think we can reuse the machines we have. How can that info be copied? At the moment I copy a tree which has the mirrorlist info for any given country/release/repo and a perl module which then grabs that info and gives it out. How does that work in mirror manager?
Fedora uses a MM script to dump the database once an hour into the mirrorlist cache, then rsync's it to the target mirrorlist servers. kill -HUP mirrorlist_server.py and it reloads the cache.
I would also recommend writing a script to convert your existing database information into MM, so as to not make people re-enter it.
Yes, that actually is the plan :) I need to put them side by side though, so I can transform them. Is there a "picture" of the DB schema?
Uh, no... I can dump the schema as SQL, if you know of a tool to pull it in. I can help with the script too.
http://git.fedorahosted.org/git/?p=mirrormanager;a=blob;f=server/mirrormanag... has the schema in SQLObject. Each class (SQLObject) is a table.