Le Sunday 15 April 2007, Lance Davis a écrit :
(CentOS now has its first server up running C5 and able to display large dvd images under http :)
I have updated our isoredirect system to detect and verify dvd isos on mirrors , and sources with current dvd isos are now listed separately on the isoredirect page - what this is showing is that very few of our mirrors have the dvd isos and we need to get more out there ...
To test :-
http://isoredirect.centos.org/mirrorscripts/chooseisolist.pl?release=5.0&... ch=i386 It will give you local info based on your ip you can also add &cc=xx to test other country codes
There is something unclear to me, you'll probably enlight me :)
My server (distrib-coffee) can host and share via ftp/http/rsync DVD iso, it already does it for mandriva (and it is running a mandriva 2007 64bits).
I can and I want to host and share CentOS DVD iso, however the page you gave don't show my server, so it seems I don't have DVD isos.
What should I do exactly to have the whole tree ? I use currently eu-msync.centos.org::CentOS/ as source.