1Mbit/s is very very slow. If that's all the bandwidth you can provide, why don't you join the torrent swarm with that machine instead?
Please add our mirror to the public mirrors list.
site: mirror.vilkam.ru
Country: RU
State(Area): Kamchatka
City: Viluchinsk
Organization name: RADIUS, Ltd.
Versions: All
Architectures: All
Direct DVD Downloads: Yes
HTTP: http://mirror.vilkam.ru/centos/
FTP: ftp://mirror.vilkam.ru/centos/
RSYNC: rsync://mirror.vilkam.ru/centos/
available bandwidth: 1Mbit/sec
updates: four per day
email: it[at]vilkam.net
Best regards,
Vladimir Pitel
CentOS-mirror mailing list